Standard Grants

Who submits this report, when and how:

President, Board Chair, or the Executive Director must sign and submit the report. Submit at end of project or support period.  For multiyear grants, submit at the designated dates for interim reports and at the end of the project for the final report. All funds for the grant period must be expended prior to submission of a final report.  Final reports must be submitted at least one month prior to submitting a new LOI for new funding.  Please send all Final Reports by email; a hard copy is not necessary.  Reports should be no longer than 3 pages.  Please attach only highly relevant materials to the report.

What information is necessary:

– Basic identifying information

  • Organization name, full address, telephone, FAX, and e-mail contact numbers
  • NW Fund grant amount and award date
  • Project name and type of support from NW Fund (project or, general support)
  • Program area
  • List of all private and public grants which supported the project or endeavor, their source and dollar amount
  • Project director(s) Include information on any changes in personnel that occurred during the course of the grant.
  • Final expense reportThis should present information in three columns.  The proposed original budget in the first column (this should mirror the final project or operating budget approved for your proposal).  The actual expenditures in the second column and the difference (plus or minus if any) in the third column.  *Differences greater than +/-  $100 per budget category should be explained.   Project grants should clearly note how the NW Fund portion of the budget was spent.  

Please answer the following questions, in order:

  1. What difference did this project/grant make in terms of the goals you described in your application? Using the measurement methods and milestones described in the action plan and application, provide specific details about the outcomes of your project.
  2. Was this grant helpful in attracting additional support (volunteers, members, money, goods, services, or publicity)? If so, please describe.
  3. Did the anticipated budget and actual expenditures vary much? *Briefly explain any discrepancies.
  4. Did this endeavor meet, exceed, or fall short of your initial expectations? What problems, if any, did you encounter? What do you wish you had done differently?
  5. In what fashion did your project contribute to meeting the purpose and goals of the NW Fund?
  6. What is your vision of this endeavor over the next few years? Any plans for expansion? Has it come to a close?

What you may want to tell us:

  • What comments, suggestions, or critique do you have about working with the NW Fund?
  • Any additional relevant information or news?