Investing in Washington State’s Environment since 1971

How we Operate
Northwest Fund for the Environment makes grants to nonprofit organizations in support of protection and preservation of natural resources in the state of Washington.
We make Board-directed grants to pre-selected nonprofit organizations. We do not have a competitive grantmaking process at this time.
Priority Focus Areas
Aquatic Ecosystems
Our Aquatic Ecosystem program aims to protect and restore the extensive network of fresh and saltwater ecosystems in Washington and the native species that inhabit these ecosystems.

Growth Management
The Growth Management Program promotes community-driven land use practices and policies which promote smart growth and prevent damage to environmentally sensitive areas.

Community Response
The Community Response Fund (CRF) awards small grants that support grassroots engagement in our state and bring new communities into our grantmaking.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Vision Statement
The Northwest Fund for the Environment strongly believes that a healthy environment is an essential right for all communities in Washington State, and the engagement of diverse communities and broad coalitions is critical to the success of our environmental protection mission. As such, we seek to build our understanding of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), consider DEI in our environmental grantmaking and encourage DEI education and action within the Foundation and in partnership with our funding partners and grantees.